Why Webatorium? It's my little auditorium on the web where I'll rattle on at will about subjects diverse and subverse.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Elena goes riding again
WAS 6 Move
- Ray wrote:
- Is moving a non-EJB app from 3.5 to 6 any more difficult than moving it from 3.5 to 5.1? From an administrative standpoint is 6 close enough to 5 that an admin who has taken the WAS 5 Admin class feel comfortable jumping into 6?
- Fredrik wrote:
- No problems, just did it. If youre only talking jsp/servlets here, there is really no issues (apart from classloading differences between the releases). But as soon as your invloving JMS, EJB etc, then thats another ball park.
- V6 admin seems a little bit easier to navigate / find around than the V5 admin app, so that should not cause any troubles.
CVS WSAD too many branches displaying
Using WSAD 5.1.2 on Win2000 with CVS 1.11 on Linux server. We have
many branches that display in the CVS Perspective that aren't relevant
to our developers anymore such as old dead-end branches that have long
since been merged to the main (HEAD) branch. We would like to be able
to filter out some of these branches so they don't display to the
developer. The only way I can think of is to try to delete the branch
tag (cvs rtag -B -d
To answer my own question, we did the delete branch tag as shown below as well as deleting the "root_xxxx" version tag that wsad creates behind the scenes. It works, but the tags are still "remembered" by WSAD. To completely clear them you have to go into the CVS perspecitive, right-click each project under the Version icon and select Configure Branches and Versions. In this dialog click Remove All.